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Tanzania 2016

Amanda Martinage, (Occupational therapist) Dr. Martha Collins, Gwen Bertrand (Special education teacher),  Nilofer Naqvi (Psychologist) and Noor Al Radi (Speech and language therapist) traveled to Tanzania this summer with the Organization for Medical and Psychological Assistance for Children overseas (OMPACO).  For the first week the team completed a 4 day training on Autism for approximately 40 teachers in Dar es Salaam at the Tandika School. Topics covered include: What is Autism, Teaching strategies, Communication, Behavior Management, Sensory Integration, IEP’s, Assessment and more. Nilofer conducted 2 focus groups with a subset of teachers to discuss the possibility of using mobile technology to provide additional training throughout the year.


Nilofer facilitated a visit with the Agakhan Foundation to investigate possible options for additional funding to expand our work.  We also met with the USAID at the American Embassy to explore the possibility of getting a grant or partnering with them.

Tanzania 2015

Tanzania 2017

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