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My name is Kija Mageme Kamata and I am honored and humbled that I have been selected to be headmistress at Nyegezi Primary School. I earned my degree in teaching at St. Augustine University of Tanzania majoring in history and philosophy in 2014. 


My first teaching job was at Kishoju secondary high school and where I taught history, English and general studies from (2015-2017). We had good moment since I was also an active member in the academic department, and all this time we achieved a lot with the school.


I wanted to become a teacher because I enjoyed serving others; teaching is so rewarding and gives me a sense that I am making  world a better place for students at time. I am also an active member in Teachers Union Association for the last 2 years, whereby we do ensure female teachers get an equal opportunity in working places, we also help them to manage challenges at working places so as to make them ideal and resourceful to the community surrounding them. 


My teaching philosophy is very simple, “students do not care how much you know” until they know how much you care, teaching at primary and public schools where the poverty rate is 96% of students, caring is what they need first, after they know I care they open their heart and mind and I can teach easily. I show caring by forming relationships with my students and trying to help them find their dreams and strengths so as they can believe in themselves. 


I sincerely wish to say that I was the first generation in my family to attend to university and I was once a student just like the ones I teach and so somebody believed in me. I am so grateful for OMPACO who goes to look for means to help these children in the societies and even offering scholarship to most teachers so as to spot to continue helping students at schools. 

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