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Tanzania 2015

Dr. Martha Collins, Amanda Martinage, Amanda Cannarella and Jill Morris traveled to Tanzania for 3 weeks with OMPACO to support special education teachers working with children with autism.  Deborah Arin, Lynn Hunsinger and Chelle Campbell joined them for the last 2 weeks. For the first week the team worked in Dar es Salaam completing site visits to 7 special education classrooms delivering educational materials (including communication devices, assistive technology, school supplies, academic and sensorimotor materials) that were again generously donated from the Mercy Centre School facilitated by Susan LaSante.  Teachers and assistants were trained regarding the purpose and how to use materials. After the site visits, the OMPACO team led a 4 day teacher training at Msimbazi Mseto School with approximately 30 teachers in attendance.  Training consisted of both lecture and hands on practice of many topics including teaching strategies, behavior management and communication skills.  Before leaving Dar, the OMPACO team presented during grand rounds at the Muhimbili Hospital.  Part of the OMPACO team then traveled to Darada where another seminar was given to the nursing students.  A return visit to the Patrick Winter Elementary School was warmly received and it was nice to see the progress that is occurring there.  During the last week, the OMPACO team traveled to Arusha where they completed another 4 day training for approximately 25 special education teachers.  It was so nice to see familiar faces and new ones during both of the trainings in Dar and Arusha.  Overall, the site visits, lectures and training models were well received by teachers and supported by the Ministry of Education.  Plans for further trainings were discussed and future collaboration is anticipated.   The potential for increasing the scope of the teacher trainings to include a greater number of teachers/administrators in new regions of Tanzania was an exciting development to be explored. 

Tanzania 2014

Tanzania 2016

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